af Laura Winge | dec 27, 2023 | Ikke-kategoriseret
HIVE MIND: INTERSPECIES RELATIONS - GRASP FESTIVAL 2023 The bee project was invited to exploring how artistic and designerly strategies can enable us to rethink interspecies relations. We call it “The honey Workshop”. Designerly thinking is a...
af Laura Winge | apr 5, 2022 | Ikke-kategoriseret
YAY! playful PHD by LAUrA wIngE PhD Thesis, Laura Winge Codesigning Urban Spaces with Children Response-Able Explorations and Sensuous Entanglements. Landscape Architecture and Planning, University of Copenhagen. Supervisors: Associate Professor Bettina Lamm, IGN,...
af Laura Winge | apr 4, 2022 | Ikke-kategoriseret
af Laura Winge | mar 28, 2022 | Ikke-kategoriseret
Color Study I frequently questioned the hue of pink. Some photos are from my hand, others are borrowed from the internet, please reach out for...
af Laura Winge | nov 25, 2020 | Ikke-kategoriseret
Indian residents could see the Himalayas for the first time in 30 years, after a massive drop in pollution caused by the virus lockdown 2020. At the same time, the virus lockdowns all over the world have changed the way Earth moves: A reduction in seismic noise...
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